Category Archives: Marriage and Family

Issues impacting marriages and families

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 12/16/2017- Why We’re Thankful

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 12/16/2017- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis- present their lists, as incomplete as they are in only an hour, of what they’re thankful for in 2017.

This is the missing Thanksgiving show but it fits nicely here.

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 11/18/2017- “Macaca,” The Wayback Machine, and “Inappropriate Behavior”

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 11/18/2017- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis use the Wayback Machine® to draw a parallel to more recent events revolving around “inappropriate behavior.” We discuss men’s biblically mandated duty behave appropriately towards women. We also analyze the consequences being experienced by those who have not only ignored those mandates but have flouted them.

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 11/4/2017- ISIS Strikes, Election Polls, And The Federal Heartbeat Bill

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 11/4/2017- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze the coverage and reaction of the ISIS attack in New York City and what we think of the immigration policies that are a major contributor to this and other attacks.  From there we discuss how theology affects how all sides think on this issue. We also discuss current polls in the Alabama Senate race and the hearings on the Federal version of the Heartbeat bill. We finish up with a sexual harassment scandal in the Ohio Legislature.

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 10/21/2017- Scandals, The Reasons Behind Them, And Where Else Those Reasons Are Leading

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 10/21/2017- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis use a discussion about an Ohio state Senator who has been forced to resign into a wider discussion of the Harvey Weinstein scandal and some of the biblical reasons and other implications of these scandals. We follow up with our reasons for opposing Ohio State Issues 1 & 2

Article links- The Cincinnati Enquirer reports on the resignation of an Ohio State Senator

Third Rail Politics blog delves into the Ohio Senator who was forced to resign

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 7/15/2017- Charlie Gard In Depth

Principles and Policies Podcast For Saturday 7/15/2017- Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis look at the Charlie Gard case in some detail and with a biblical worldview in mind.

Article links- A technically flawed explanation of the Charlie Gard situation submitted by the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

The Patients Rights Organization

Principles And Policies Podcast For 10/3/2015- Doublespeak, Memory Holes, The Pope, And The President

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday October 3, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze the recent visit of Pope Francis and remarks made by him and President Barack Obama. We discover that the novel 1984 has much to contribute to the conversation, especially the creation of the terms “Doublespeak” and “Doublethink.”

Article linksBarack Obama oddly claims “Here In The United States, We Cherish Religious Liberty”

Pope Francis Praises capitalism before he denigrates capitalism in Congressional address

The Pope emphasizes socialism and an end to the death penalty and avoids abortion

Pope Francis is a socialist

Principles And Policies Podcast For 9/26/2015- Presuppositions, The Church, Insurance, And Culture

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday September 26, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss presuppositional apologetics, Christ’s Church, the effect of the Obergefell decision on it and how church insurance companies are helping to facilitate the Church’s surrender to the culture on same-sex “marriage.”

Principles And Policies Podcast For 9/12/2015- By What Standard Is There A Rule Of Law?

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday September 12, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss the concept of higher law and how it applies to the rule of law. We also explain why courts can’t create law but must only work with the law given them.

Article links- Mike Huckabee explains that the rally to support Kim Davis was really a Mike Huckabee campaign rally

American Vision demonstrates that the lower magistrate has the duty to interpose between the citizen and the higher magistrate when the higher magistrate is lawless

Other lower magistrates also understand their duty to uphold higher law


Principles And Policies Podcast For 8/29/2015- Worth Repeating: The Supreme Court’s Homosexual “Mirage” Decision

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday August 29, 2015. This is a repeat of our broadcast from 7/18/2015. It’s an important one.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 7/25/2015- Does Anybody Believe That A Group That Murders Infants Is Above Profiting By Selling The Parts?

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday July 25, 2015. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze the film released by the Center for Medical Progress showing Dr. Deborah Nucatola, senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood Foundation of America, negotiating for the sale of aborted fetus parts.

Article links- The edited version of the Center for Medical Progress video

Planned Parenthood Video Explains Late-Term/Partial-Birth Abortion Movement — MONEY

Planned Parenthood’s Dead Baby Trafficking & 10 Other Major Stories Our Media Missed
‘A Lot of People Want Liver’: Planned Parenthood’s Bloody Business- National Review

Flashback: Obama Told Baby Organ Harvester Planned Parenthood “God Bless You” (video)

New Planned Parenthood spin: Organ harvesting, sales “a humanitarian undertaking”

AP: It’s Not Selling Aborted Unborn Baby Parts, It’s the ‘Disposition of Fetal Remains’

Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots of Planned Parenthood Revealed