Category Archives: Federal Legislation

Principles and Policies Podcast for 5/22/2012- Judicially Restoring The Constitution

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Tuesday May 22, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss a recent court decision which takes a baby step towards restoring the Bill of Rights by finding provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which allowed the arrest without warrant, and detention without trial for poorly defined “terrorists.”

Principles and Policies Podcast for 5/18/2012- Progressives Reveal The Truth About The President’s Position On Marriage

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Friday May 18, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis continue their examination of President Obama’s “evolution” on gay marriage and find that many of his more progressive supporters knew his real position all along and aren’t afraid to say so.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 5/17/2012- Pastors Spitting In God’s Face

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Thursday May 17, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis take a deeper look at  President Obama’s “evolution” from a position of allowing for “domestic partnerships” (that is, counterfeit marriage) to promoting “homosexual marriage” (a contradiction in terms). The Columbus Dispatch weighs in with a biased “journalistic” screed ignoring the principled position on gay marriage.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 5/15/2012- Evolved Or Forced?

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Tuesday May 15, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis analyze President Obama’s “evolution” from a position of allowing for “domestic partnerships” (that is, counterfeit marriage) to promoting “homosexual marriage” (a contradiction in terms). Did he really evolve or was the truth of his position forced by Vice-president Joe Biden?

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 5/14/2012- I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Monday May 14, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss a recent Defense Department policy statement that states that domestic military drone intelligence will be made available to federal, state, and local law enforcement and regulatory agencies. Barry and Chuck say “we told you so.”

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 4/27/2012- Stand Your Ground On Vote Fraud

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Friday April 27, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis discuss recent coordinated attacks from the political left on ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, and the deeper reasons behind them. It’s not about “Stand Your Ground” it’s about vote fraud.

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Principles and Policies Podcast for 4/24/2012- Oppose Ohio HJR 3!

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Tuesday April 24, 2012. Chuck Michaelis explains what’s wrong with the idea of a new constitutional convention and asks that you call your Ohio State Representative and tell them to vote NO on HJR3.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 4/20/2012- Presidential Executive Orders Cause Gas Pains

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Friday April 20, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis expose one of the veritable cornucopia of executive orders seizing extra-constitutional powers issued during the Obama administration. One of the most recent is an order seizing regulatory control over Natural Gas production.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 4/17/2012- Show Me The Money!

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Tuesday April 17, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis explain the different forms of lobbying then discuss pay-to-play in presidential politics.

Principles and Policies Podcast for 4/14/2012- What Color Is Your Underwear?

Our Principles and Policies radio show for Saturday April 14, 2012. Barry Sheets and Chuck Michaelis take a VERY detailed look at questions being asked of conservative groups applying for non-profit status. To call them “invasive” is to be a master of understatement.