Category Archives: Events

Dr. Jane Orient- Caps Quotas and Czars: The Plan To Wreck American Medicine

This entry is part 10 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4The current move to assume control of the health care industry by government has nothing to do with altruistic impulses but is about complete control of all aspects of life, including the health of the governments subjects.

Senator Jim DeMint has made the statement that health care might be Obama’s Waterloo. During Napoleon’s 100 days he had declared the beginning of a New World Order and the entirety of his agenda rested on the Battle of Waterloo, where he lost.

Dr. Orient tied G. Edward Griffin’s talk on the FED to the action of health cartels like United Health and other large corporations, which is squarely behind government efforts to nationalize and centralize health care. The American Hospital Association and other professional associations are in support of Obamacare for the same reasons as these corporations. What do they get from the deal? Like banks, they get to craft their own regulation and essentially have shadow control of health care through controlling boards and committees. They become the enforcement agents for the new system and have a direct line to taxpayer-funded subsidies.

The plans include “National Health Boards,” an idea that first appeared under the Clinton health plan. Under the Clinton’s, an attempt was made to keep meetings of the seed group secret, but the effort was thwarted by alert activists who sued and made the meetings public. The same thing needs to be done now.

The Obamacare bill has “end of life treatment- denial of” clauses, as Sarah Palin has been called a liar and otherwise pilloried in the press for mentioning, but the press has conveniently ignored or denied them. The fact is that patients are already being starved and dehydrated by contract that patients and families are being talked into signing by existing health care corporations. Obamacare would take them from the status of fraudulently made contract to legal requirement to die when the patient becomes expensive.

Under Obamacare definitions are being subtly shifted from benign to destructive. The meaning of well-being, for instance, is being shifted from the patient to society. It becomes the patient’s duty to die if the well-being of society in general is threatened by the patient’s continued survival.

Dr. Orient destroys the myth of the “cruel” American system which, by law, requires treatment for all patients going to a hospital, to the so-called “compassionate” Canadian system which requires enrollment in a provincial health service for treatment and allows hospitals to refuse treatment even to patients who will die (and many have) without it if they can’t show the proper proof of enrollment. Examples were provided.

Dr. Orient exposes the attempted fraud of Democrats running phoney, stacked-deck “town hall” health care meetings. She chronicles the fact that Republican meetings in opposition to the health care plan are simply not having the same problems as the meetings that were designed to be “puff and fluff” to show overwhelming support for nationalized health care that are turning out to be showing exactly the opposite, especially among otherwise loyal Democrats.

Again, a compact and fast moving presentation that I simply can’t give full justice to. Get the Video On Demand for the conference to get the full presentation.

The Feds are stealing your health care choices–and have been for over 70 years!

This entry is part 9 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4Dr. Jeff Marrongelle, a Doctor of Chiropractic and an certified clinicial nutritionist and a researcher on the effects of electromagnetic fields on human physiology, opened the day with a discussion of the history of the creation and radical expansion of the powers of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and how that regulatory entity has been impacting our health care choices for over 70 years.

The FDA was created as an entity to prevent interstate commerce of adulterated foods and drugs in 1930.  The advent of the Roosevelt administration and their radical expansion of federal power with numerous acts such as the National Industrial Recovery Act and the Judicial Reorganization Act of 1937 broke down the wall of separation of powers and gave sweeping legislative and judicial authority to executive branch regulatory agencies, including the FDA.

A crisis is usually used to consolidate power, and the FDA’s expansion of control over the American populace was generated the same way.  The 1938 Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, which created safety standard testing, was passed as a result of a problem with a sulfa drug creation problem that resulted in 107 deaths among children.  This act also set the standard that if a drug is proven safe at standard doses, then it was approved.  This approval usually took about 60 days.  The act also swept in those preparations that were already considered “safe”, including homeopathy, grandfathering them, but also including them under the statutory definition of a “drug”.

Over time, the control over “drugs’ was expanded with the Kefauver-Harris Act of 1962, which expanded the required testing beyond showing “safety” to including “efficacy” as the standard for approval.  This increased the time to get a new drug approved from 60 days to 6 months or more, and drove the cost up to over $138 million for the industry (which today is in the range of $1.6 billion dollars).   It also limited competition in the industry significantly, which also drove up the final costs of these drugs.

Today, the FDA is by and large a self-contained regulatory giant.  It creates its own rules, regulations and edits with little to no legislative oversight or control.  One study recognized that 25 cents of every dollar spent in the United States is on products over which the FDA has regulatory control over, and the FDA continues to try to expand its power by attempting to regulate vitamins and minerals as “drugs”.  They have complete control over all medical and food advertising (remember the recent edict that Cheerios had to be regulated because of making “health claims”), even to the point of being able to disallow claims that are already proven and truthful.

The most concerning issue with the unfettered power of this regulatory agency is that their governing philosophy is not “should we approve this” but “how can we get this approved”, which has led the FDA bureaucracy and directorate to approve drugs for consumer use even over the objections of their own scientists and safety officers, leading to numerous adverse health effects and deaths among the populace at large (remember the Vioxx debacle?)

The FDA’s hubris is exampled by the 1990 Nutrition Labeling and Education Act, which Congress passed that allowed food and supplement claims to be made as to their effects on disease without having the approval of FDA as a “drug”.  Between 1990-1999, the FDA routinely ignored this statute and pursued regulatory action against many making such claims.  The worst instance of this was the 1991-1993 debacle over the FDA’s refusal to allow information to be published on the beneficial effects of folic acid consumption by pregnant women on preventing Neural Tube birth defects.  Over 2500 cases of this defect could have been prevented in babies if not for the FDA’s insistence on keeping this information from the general public “for their own good”.

Marrongelle summed up his presentation by noting that there are created “artificial crises” to expand the powers of these regulatory agencies, and gave some data.  The total number of deaths from both avian and swine flus from 2003-present is 431 people, according to the World Health Organization.  Conversely, the number of deaths in the same period from iatrogenic causes is 786,936, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association.  This data is indicative of the idea that the cure may actually be worse than the disease, and the FDA may be causing more harm to the public than preventing such harms.

Freedom 21–Day Two

This entry is part 8 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4Today is a busy day at the conference.  It is health care and health freedom day, and the afternoon sessions are on the ever-expanding push for electronic monitoring of all of our lives and activities.  Stay with us as we bring you notes and thoughts from Freedom21–Day Two.

The Revolution is Here

This entry is part 6 of 28 in the series Freedom 21 Conference

f21-banner-4Professor Alan Quist, professor of political science at Bethany Lutheran College in Minnesota, presented an update of some significant changes happening in educational policies, many in the last three weeks, which may have a more significant long-term impact on the American way of life than even the health care debate or the cap and trade fight currently underway.

Quist notes that there is a worldwide revolution taking place, and it is centered in the effort to undermine the unique position of America and the way in which our country’s foundation was built by our founders, specifically our principles of national sovereignty and of the acknowledgment of a universal moral code .  As the US was the only major country founded on ideas rather than on personalities or on power concentrations, it makes America, according to Quist, the only real bastion of freedom in the world.  It is that distinction that makes the US the target of every globalist UN initiative undertaken, which he documented with UN publications which say as much.

Quist is concerned that we must win the war of ideas in order to retain our freedoms that we have because of the unique way our country has been structured.  That war is being fought most fiercely on the battlefield of education, and we are losing the war.  The current education modality in effect in American schools is that of “consciousness transformation”, which is the application of the principles of Marxist theorist Antonio Gramsci upon our education system.

The Obama administration issued a press release on July 24th of this year, which may be the first salvo in the final battle over our educational system.  The “Race to the Top” may be a race over the edge of the cliff into the total surrender of any last shreds of local control over education not just to the federal government, but to the United Nations through UNESCO.  The call for “internationally benchmarked standards” and “national standards” (read federal curriculum control)  to be coordinated by the already created National Assessment Governing Board will be delivered to local districts who line up to get the “stimulus” linked to the program, in essence buying total federal control over the development and delivery of curriculum.  This will allow the Obama administration to get local schools to teach what they want them to teach.  Now enter UNESCO.

The UN, through UNESCO, is planning a full scale tranformation of education and in fact has already written the international curriculum benchmarks (standards) which the Obama administration notes they are wanting to drive American education standards toward.  In order to ensure universal coverage, the Obama administration through the NAG Board, will require successful passage of this “nationally standardized test” before any student can be eligible for college (at least no colleges that have ever taken one penny of federal money).  That means that the vast majority of private school and home educated students will have to take this UNESCO-driven and aligned testing to be able to go any farther in their formal educational pursuits.  In order to help this train down the track, the National Governor’s Association has issued a call for “voluntary national standards” to be adopted by this administration.

It makes one want to go back and look very closely at the recently-passed and enacted House Bill 1, Ohio’s budget bill, which made some significant changes to our education policies in Ohio.  Could the revolution have already come to Ohio?  We’ll have to get educated on what is happening around us and see.

Institute For Principled Policy Chair on “The State of Ohio” This Week

TelevisionInstitute For Principled Policy Chairman Dr. Mark Hamilton will appear on this weeks “The State of Ohio” program.  The program appears on PBS stations throughout Ohio.

The topic of the program is on the role of clergy in speaking on public policy. Taking an opposite position from Mark’s is Pastor Tim Ahrens of First Church in Columbus Ohio. Mark is the Teaching Elder at Providence Church in Mifflin Twp. (near Ashland). He is also a Professor of Philosophy at Ashland University.

Here is the air and station schedule of “The State of Ohio:”


5:30 PM Columbus WOSU-TV34 and Portsmouth WPBO-TV42

7:30 PM Cleveland WVIZ-TV25

10:00 PM Cambridge WOUC-TV44 and

Athens WOUB-TV20

10:30 PM Toledo WGTE-TV30


5:30 AM Akron WEAO-TV49 and Alliance WNEO-TV45


6:30AM Cincinnati WCET-TV48

7:00 AM Dayton WPTD-TV16

10:30 AM Oxford WPTO-TV14

12:00 Noon Bowling Green WBGU-TV27

12:00 Noon Cleveland WVIZ-TV25

12:30 PM Cambridge WOUC-TV44 and

Athens WOUB-TV20

CABLECAST on The Ohio Channel

Mondays 10AM, 6PM & 2AM

The Ohio Channel, available on:

AkronTime Warner Channel 538

AthensTime Warner Channel 0

CincinnatiAnderson Union Channel 08, Cable Channel 22 Channel 23,

Media Bridges Channel 15, Norwood Community TV Channel 15,

Waycross Community Media Channel 4, Time Warner Channel 22

ClermontTime Warner Channel 22

ClevelandCox Channel 201, Time Warner Channel 181

ColumbusTime Warner Channel 96 and Digital 34.2, Insight Channel 190,

WOW Channel 150

DaytonTime Warner Channels 715 & 720

ToledoBuckeye Cable System Channels 199

Ohio Public Television broadcast channels are also available on local cable channels.

Please let us know what you thought of what Dr. Hamilton had to say.

Camp American- Class Samples and a Special Offer!

calogoIt will come as no shock that the Institute For Principled Policy is involved in biblical worldview education for young men and women. You only need to look at our Divisions and About Us pages to see that education in biblical worldview is one of our main functions.

In keeping with our commitment to solid biblical worldview education the Institute partners with groups whose specialty is biblical worldview training on issues like government, economics, critical thinking skills, history, etc.

Every year the Institute partners with Camp American, a non-partisan, non-denominational Christian worldview and recreation summer camp which specializes in the Institute’s target areas. Several of Camp American’s teachers over the last few years have been members of the  Institute For Principled Policy’s board.

And we’re doing it again this year. From June 14-20, 2009 Camp American is being held at Pokagon State Park in Angola IN. Among the teachers from the Institute For Principled Policy will be Executive Director Barry Sheets and Vice-chairman Chuck Michaelis, who is also Executive Director of Camp American. Other teachers include Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center, Pastor David Whitney head instructor of the Institute On The Constitution, Mark Harrington of the midwest office of the Center For Bio-ethical Reform,  Dr. Charles Rice Professor Emeritus of Notre Dame Law School and Charlie Smith, a political consultant from Pennsylvania.

You might be asking what Camp American’s classes are like. Here are some short excerpts ofclasses taught last year at Camp American

First, a class on the religuious and philosophical foundations of the Founders taught by Institute Executive Director Barry Sheets


Next is a class taught by Institute Vice-chairman Chuck Michaelis on the Electoral College


Third is a class taught by Pastor David Whitney of the Institute On The Constitution on the rights and responsibilities of a fully informed jury


Last (but definitely not least) is a class on property rights, globalism and globa warming taught by Dr. Michael Coffman CEO of Environmental Perspectives, Inc.


If you want to attend there’s a special offer for our blog readers. You can sign up for Camp American on their online store and you can use a special coupon designed for our readers that you can use to get a $50 discount at checkout. The coupon is IPP. Don’t wait. Spaces will fill up.

Central Ohio Reformation Institute

Title: Central Ohio Reformation Institute
Location: The Lodge at Camp McPherson
Link out: Click here
Description: Presentations
“Sola Scriptura: From Renaissance Humanism to Covenant Theology
“Foundation for a New Piety: Reformation Rediscovery of the Savior of Sovereign Grace”
“Between Scylla and Charybdis: The Reformation Navigation of the Sanctified Life”
“From Witness to Warrior: French Protestantism and the Defense of Liberty”
“The Church that Christ Builds: The Ecclesiology of John Owen”
“Reformation in America: Profile of the Last Puritan”

Start Date: 2008-10-28
End Date: 2008-10-30

The Constitutional Coalitions 19th Educational Policy Conference

Held at the Hilton- St. Louis Frontenac, 1335 S. Lindbergh at I40/64 St. Louis MO 63131

This will be a great conference this year. Featuring Dinesh D’Souza, M. Stanton Evans, Dr. Michael Coffman, Victoria Hughes, Chris Horner, Stephen McDowell, Laura Kostial, Laura Higgins, Ruth Carlson, Dr. John West, Deborah Brezina, Dr. Virginia Armstrong, Dr. Sandra Stotsky Evelio Silvera, and more.

Contact the Constitutional Coalition for details

Restoring The Dream- One Day Conference Coming To Columbus

This is coming from Citizens For Community Values

One-day conference will equip you to teach the values of marriage.

We know the truth. Decades of research confirm it. A man and a woman committed to lifelong marriage are better off in so many respects – happier and healthier. Their children, more likely to succeed.

But our culture is telling our young people a lie – the lie that safe sex trumps abstinence and the dream of a lifelong marriage is unattainable.

You can!

A one-day conference presented by the Abstinence and Marriage Education Partnership is dedicated to equipping you with the tools to teach the young people in your circle of influence the benefits of abstinence and marriage.

“Restoring the Dream” will be presented in Columbus at the Crowne Plaza North on Wednesday, February 6, 2008.

Distinguished presenters include Scott Phelps, Maggie Gallagher, Glenn Stanton and Rozario Slack.

Parents of teens and young adults, educators, youth pastors, counselors, youth workers – all are encouraged to attend. We all need the teaching tools that this conference provides.

To learn more about the conference or to register, click here.

If only you could reach them with the truth!